Sunday, 26 July 2009

Reviews: MSA on Ice

The blog is dead for almost 2 months. Now is the time to revive it after long time of suffering(exams and checking exam results) and happienss(Holidays).

Let's begin with some reviews.

Review: MSA on Ice

MSA on Ice was the first ever ice-skating event organised by MSA. It was a very cold Friday night when MSA members starts to gather at Macquarie Centre (Macq Cent) around 6pm. There were around 20 MSA members who joined the event (not bad for the first ever organised event).As usual there are some late comers and some who came on time. I guess there are people who forgot they are in Australia and still follow "Malaysia Time".

After entering the Ice-Skating Rink, everyone had to choose and wore the not so comfortable ice-skating shoes. They are so big and heavy.Then the fun begins. The atmosfere was very nice since lights were off and there was DJ making some music. The atmosfere was similiar to a dance party.

A lot of MSA members were first timers so they had a lot of pain and fun, i guess. The atmosfere were filled with laughter (both laughting at people who fell down and laughting because people enjoy themselve). There are people so are very good at ice skating too. One of them can even skate on one leg (check the photos).

2 hours later, we everyone have to leave and we went home with new experiences and new friends.

Here's some photos to share:

The dark atmosphere of the skating rink.
The old & experienced skaters teaching the new & unexperienced Skater to skate

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